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Tuesday 7 February 2017

One fact about the Holy Spirit

This is something I feel we should know to increase our knowledge in the Lord Jesus Christ
  • The HolySpirit does not have a name. ''Holyspirit'', ''HolyGhost", are just description's of his person. Do we remember when Jesus said to his disciples

Our Fortifications

Our Fortifications

What do I mean by fortifications?
They are devices that we put in place

You should start securing a prosperous future for yourself

2Corinthians 9:7
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
God loves a cheerful giver, don't we get it?? It dosent

What kind of mind set do you have

A pastor friend of mine was sharing with the church one day, He said he went to the market one day to get some stuff, and he parked at a place where cars are meant to be parked and went into the market to get what he wanted to get. When he

God wants you to let Go

Abraham  gave God his only son Isaac and he became the father of all nations
The widow of zeraphat prepared her last meal for the servant of God and she never lacked for food through out famine
If you want a blessing from God, the question is what