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Tuesday 7 February 2017

You should start securing a prosperous future for yourself

2Corinthians 9:7
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
God loves a cheerful giver, don't we get it?? It dosent
say God loves a mighty giver (mighty in the sense that you give so much of what you have).
The Bible tells us that there is much more blessing in giving than receiving. A hand that dosen't want to give cannot receive because such hand is always closed. Now, do we remember the story of cornelius in the book of Acts 10:4. The angel of the Lord came to him and told him
Act 10:4 
cornelius stared at him in fear. "What is it, Lord?" he asked. The angel answered, "Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.
An unbeliever gave to the point that God was moved and his attitude of being a philantrophist brought salvation to his door step. And that is the reason some of us are christians today because God found this attitude of love in is and he reached out to us.
Givers never lack. Since God so much loves givers that he brings salvation to their door step, how much more will he give them all neccecities of life. Is it money, peace of mind, name it. Let giving be a part of your life, it does not matter how small it could be; try as much as possible to increase everyday in the manner in which you give.
It may not necessarily be money alone, it could be your services, it could anything you can do to help others.
Don't be selfish, being self centered cannot take you anywhere, it dosent speak well of you before men and even before God. This is because God is love, and love is not self centered?
All what am trying to say is that everytime somebody requires our help, it is an oppourtunity for us to be blessed.
Therefore we should always be looking for the oppourtunity to bless others.


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